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作者: 点击数: 时间:2017-02-05 10:13:17

邓科财 个人简历






◆ 学习经历:


(博士生导师:钱建国 教授)


(导师:Brian Alspach 教授)


(硕士生导师:钱建国 教授)


(本科生导师:卢琳璋 教授)








(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金 (11701195), 多面体链环及扭结带状杂环结构的

计数, 25 万元 (已结题), 主持.

(2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金 (11501223), 彩虹连通数的算法复杂性和极图问

题的若干研究, 21.6 万 (已结题), 第一参与者.

(3) 福建省自然科学基金青年项目 (2016J05009), 图的计数, 及其在扭结和链环

分子结构计数中的应用, 3 万 (已结题), 主持.

(4) 福建省自然科学基金青年项目 (2020J05058), 图的强边染色若干问题的研究, 3万 (在研), 第一参与者.


从事组合,图论及其运用的研究。主要包括:组合计数在生物化学中的应用(分子结构的计数),图的着色(图的距离标号,反魔术标号问题),图的拓扑指数极值研究,图的圈基理论等方面。在SCI杂志《Discrete Math.》、《J. Stat. Mech.》、《Appl. Math. Compt.》、《J. Math. Chem.》、《J. Knot. Theor. Ramif.》、《Discuss. Math. Graph Theory》、《Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.》、《Int. J. Quantum Chem.》、《 Graph Comb.》等发表学术论文17篇.



(1) Kecai Deng, Shuchao Li, The extremal values of the Mostar index of a tree with given degree sequence. Appl. Math. Comput. 390(2021), Art#125598.

(ESI 高水平论文, 2021. 07)

(2) Kecai Deng, Shuchao Li, Extremal Mostar indices of tree-like polyphenyls. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 121(9)(2021), Art#e26602.

(3) Kecai Deng, Shuchao Li, Extremal chemical trees with respect to Mostar index. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 85(2021), 161-180.

(4) Kecai Deng, Shuchao Li, Extremal catacondensed benzenoids with respect to the Mostar index. J. Math. Chem. 58(7)(2020), 1437–1465.

(5) Kecai Deng, Shuchao Li , On the extremal Mostar indices of trees with a given segment sequence, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 45(5)(2022), 93-612.

(6) Xiaoling Zhang, Kecai Deng, Enumeration of Möbius type cyclic polyazulenoids,Math. Chem. 55(1)(2017), 132-141.

(7) Kecai Deng, Xiaoling Zhang, Enumeration of cyclic polyazulenoids, J. Math.Chem. 54(2016), 416-427.

(8) Kecai Deng, Yunfei Li, Caterpillars with maximum degree 3 are antimagic.Discrete Math. 342(6)(2019), 1799-1801.

(9) Lily Chen, Kecai Deng, Gexin Yu, Xiangqian Zhou, Strong edge-coloring for planar graphs with large girth. Discrete Math. 342(2)(2019), 339-343.

(10) João Paulo Costalonga, Kecai Deng, Xiangqian Zhou, On critical circuits in k-connected matroids. Graph and Combinatorics, 34(300)(2018), 1589-1595.

(11) Kecai Deng, Jianguo Qian, Enumerating stereo-isomers of tree-like polyinositols, J. Math. Chem. 52(2014), 1572-8897.

(12) Kecai Deng, Jianguo Qian, Fuji Zhang, Enumerating tree-like polyphenyl isomers, J. Stat. Mech. (2012), Art# P12018.

(13) Kecai Deng, Jianguo Qian, Fuji Zhang, Enumerating DNA polyhedral links, J. Math. Chem. 51(2013), 1329-1342.

(14) Kecai Deng, Jianguo Qian, Fuji Zhang, Enumerating the total colorings of a polyhedron and application to polyhedral links, J. Math. Chem. 50(2012), 1693-1705.

(15) Leping Jiang, Xian’an Jin, Kecai Deng, Determining the component number of links corresponding to triangular and honeycomb lattices, J. Knot. Theor. Ramif. 21(2012), Art#1250018.

(16) Xiaoling Zhang, Kecai Deng, Characterization results for L(2, 1, 1)-labeling problem on trees, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 37(2017) , 611-622.

(17) Xiaoling Zhang, Kecai Deng, Distance two labelings on regular bipartite graphs, Ars Combin. 139(2018), 283-296.

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